Geology, Exploration, Exploitation, and Processing


Company Mission (Assignment)

We specialize in conducting geological activities, exploration, design, exploitation, and processing of minerals within our mining areas. Our expertise extends to the reconnaissance and exploration of reserves of iron, celestine, copper, and gold. Furthermore, we are committed to creating value-added activities in the mining industry’s supply chain through the application of cutting-edge technologies. Our focus lies in processing and producing high-quality products that meet the highest standards.
  • ©Geology and exploration
  • © Exploitation
  • processing
معدن فلدسپات شرکت پرسور
پرسور، اکتشاف استخراج معادن
سیلیس پرسور

Our services are on track

Creating added value in
Mining industry supply chain

persore projects

An overview of projects

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Introducing the managers

Pressor board members

Alireza karimi

Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors

پروا سلطانی

Parva Soltani

Chairman of the Board

Moin Soleimani


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